Crescent moon
orange on the horizon
Soft grain butterscotch
leather sofa glows
in the nightlight
Two Luna moths found
a home at the back door
the woods deepen their gifts
the washer drier parts box
little by little
the house is being tended to
deeply I love
this nest I call home
my head has found my pillow here
cookies have been baked
meals burnt
cheese melted
steaks seared
it’s a tiny space filled with details
full of love
it’s home.
My friend just shared a picture
of Sicily the Mediterranean
sparkling blue and a gloriously
blooming red rhododendron
and maybe a cactus or two
I long for the sea
and yet here nested
in these lush green mountains
I have found softness in my heart
and a gentleness
sharp edges are no match for
if anything the call of the Alps
and their beyond imaging structures
and arid climate
wines and grapes
pines and tamaracks
sun basked slopes
call my heart
and never let me forget
le Valais où je suis née
Rilke knew the power of this place
and Chapaz echoed it
poets for centuries
have reveled in its grandeur
and I from here feel its pull
Yet if I take
a moment breath
I see
a large
all encompassing world
I can go to
keeping my feet well rooted
in these woods
and my heart
oh so grounded in the Apline sky
so here I sit breathing deeply
the night lights
my heart still
enveloped by a love
as timeless as
the Rocky spring
I am home
Foggy morning feels like Avalon
deep in the forest
a crow speaks
rain drops like jewels
line the cloths line
today the lilacs
and poppies
are in disarray
their season has past with the pounding rain
the mist dips down into branches
filling spaces with a pale white hue
floating just above ground
there are no ghosts here
a red hearted hummingbird
dips in and out of sight
the leaves heavy with water
now reach full force
daylight at apex
the pendulum swings
seasons stretch one into the other
all ready the sun is burning
the fog
my Avalon
drifting away
we will make a fire today
the ground is saturated
soul cleansing
I don’t know the future
anymore than I did yesterday
except this moment
is full of little words and
maybe an insight will rise
in the big pink puffy cloud above
True Love
Parade to come
with joy
a lot of resilience
undying support
and pride!
It’s a month of reflection
and activism
stretched into a year
of actions
that builds hope
for community
for friends family and self
a month to take care
and love unabashedly
into a new year
Dad used to
look out at the sea
and say
day after day
“it smells like rain …”
all summer
it was
the Mediterranean…
it never rained …
But he did not give up hope.
Here it’s about to rain for ten days
and the forest
is about to open up
into even more leaves
if that is ever possible
and I think of him and grin
it’s going to rain Dad
a lot
miss you
love you
Red peonies about to bloom
green globes
with a hint of crimson
to be
peeled open
by sun
and helping ants
their sweetness attracts
it is a feral garden mine
a summer festival of weeds
grasses butterflies
and wild flowers
just as it grew
with a few exemptions
peas basil tomatoes
marigolds soon to bloom
I love watching my plants
go to seed
there is something magical
in the cycle
a wave of nostalgia
another of joy
a memory of roses
apricots and strawberries
big plump lush
and here in the woods
they are rosy beads
covering the forest floor
sweetness of summer
from an Alp
to a mountain
my heart stretches
the world
a breath
we too bloom
Crisp morning air
second day of summer begins
light at five am
nature loud
the day into being
today it is deep cleaning day
everything will end up
on deck
so I can mop
under the rugs!
A huge undertaking
for such a tiny space
go me!
Sanity mimics house work
it takes enormous
over time
to stave off bipolar disorder
and sometimes
an unexpected crack opens
Cohen might say it lets in the light
but for that light
there is a universe of darkness….
so today in big daylight
I honor
my stars
Luminescent green wings
overlap with a dark purple trim
the most incredible
gifts of June
the Luna moths
love the little night light
I leave for myself
If there is but one certainty in this life
it is change
and if I transom
into this beauty one day
a sense of bliss I will feel
But today
grateful for the sun
on this first day
summer just beginning
A musing about light
Setting sun on tips of trees
illuminates a growing garden
a moment of bliss
a golden hue
slowly the stars come up
one at a time
the sky fades
into dark blue
in the almost summer night
a Luna moth lands on my window
pale green wings flutter
I drift into sleep
my dog curled up at my feet
the breeze coming thru cools.
These days the light arises
way before any alarm
my Luna moth has gone
pale orange thru the forest
announces day
the birds wake
every twig
nature’s music calls
all around
coffee steam
a cozy chair
a quiet place
to start the day
In silence and stillness
the mind drifts
as morning light
tips these trees too
like beautiful paint brushes
the sway in the gentle breeze
it is time
for today
Bamboo wind chime
calms the space
a delicate breeze
ruffles the laundry
my neighbor’s chain saw
breaks the ice
I brush hogged today
rumbles of thunder
far away
In the 60’s
I wear my favorite sweater
I rode my red bike around the yard
she and I meshed gently
there is no telling
what the clouds hide
as the sun is but a memory
on this Father’s Day
how fitting
i can still see his smile
I know the sound of my name
in his voice to this day
“Mais! Caroline!”
Giggling it’s the r’s
rolled over the tongue
that make all the difference
in the cool breeze
I feel the warmth of memories
he truly glows
hope undying
my heart
Leaves everywhere!
Turned over in the wind
Big drops
glistening roll off
it’s a giant breathing organism
after a winter of sticks
there is no stopping this growing
a sheep pasture
this whole state once was
No more
Brookes roar thru
mossy Stone walls
buried deep
under tree cover
hint at what once was
raw land
It is no longer grass
just flowers everywhere
I let them come up
they Grace us
wild delight
rain pounds the earth
drum like
a junco hunts
moths from last night
it’s almost summer
my heart explodes in the heat
as the wood stove
still roars
despite the advancements of june
a life lived
in what they call
the green mountains
shimmers today
Iridescent wings
speckled with black
a dragonfly rests on deck
over lilacs in full bloom
a yellow butterfly dances
several actually
hummingbirds hover
near freshly planted flower pots
in the distance a crow
calls its coven
the sound of the forest
in 66 Fahrenheit
waiting for the rain
brings solace to the soul
it is mid June
all is green now
not a speck of snow lingers
not even in the mind
for the jungle has taken over
it’s hard to believe
there are days of frost
hard freezes and
thirty below zero
in this calm and mild
afternoon moment
so quickly we forget
in the sweetness of summer
Gently rain
Trickles down her cheek
A tear mingles
Hidden so
To speak
Her fair hair follows the wind
Her eyes the rising tide
Her garden in progress
She managed half
and then the other
In earnest poppies challenged the pouring rain
She brought two
Inside with June lilacs
She turns
Balancing Resilience and Unraveling - One breath after another
The dance of life takes off in a mad gallop
There is no stopping this ride
It is
Faced square on
I will not win
The corner markers all ready say so
I will not go
into this life
With love